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June 30, 2006
Sports Beat by Bill McCaffrey
Lots of talk going on round the Nationals and Orioles but hey can both teams be serious about getting rid of their star players? How could the Baltimore Orioles afford to trade Miguel Tejada? Tejada, Melvin Mora, Chris Ray and Kris Benson are the only Orioles that are consistently steady for the Orioles. Tejada is a top line player with star ability and it would take a front office dunce to trade, whoops, knowing the Orioles front office from their media people to Mike Flanagan, they re so clueless they might trade Tejada. Also on the other end of the B-W Parkway there are rumblings they might deal Alfonzo Soriano or Jose Vidro. I don⤁t think Ted Lerner is that dumb. The Nationals have those two plus Ryan Zimmerman, John Patterson, Nick Johnson, and Chad Cordero which gives them a good nucleus to build on. So guys keep Tejada in Baltimore and Soriano in DC.
Well the Washington Wizards picked big in the NBA draft p lucking 7 foot Oleksly Percheror with their first pick (18th overall) he is from the Ukraine. Adam Morrison was taken number three by Charlotte. The number one pick was Andrea Bargnani of Italy taken by Toronto. Rudy Gay was almost crying when he fell to the 8th pick by Houston, some of the NBA ⤦know-it-alls? had said Gay would be the number one pick. He was taken by Houston but is expected to be traded to Memphis with the 11th pick. Orlando selected J. J. Riddick. Overall it was not the best draft talent wise. Larry Brown was fired as coach by the New York Knicks and their president and now coach Isaih Thomas who ten picked the poorest selection in the draft Renaldo Balkman of South Carolina assuring that Thomas next year at this time will be the ex-president and ex-coach of the Knicks. Six Current and Former Terps to Participate in U.S. Field Hockey's Elite Training Program Current Terrapins Edmonds and Grater among the Terps named to Maryland Thundersticks. Six current and former field hockey Terrapins have been named to the Maryland Thundersticks team, one of ?? regional team that make up United States Field Hockey Elite Performance Training program. Among the members of the Thundersticks are soon-to-be senior Kristina Edmonds and redshirt freshman Alicia Grater, while five-time national coach of the year Missy Meharg of Maryland has been named head coach. The Maryland Thundersticks will compete in the EPTC National Championship in Virginia Beach, Va., beginning Thursday, June 29 and runs through Tuesday, July 4. Also on the squad are current U.S. National Team members Lauren Powley, who helped the Terps capture the 2006 NCAA and ACC titles, and former All-Americans Dina Rizzo and Sara Silvetti. Former Terrapin Emily Beach (Bethesda, Md.), who completed her four-year career in the fall, was also named to the team, as well as, long-time U.S. National Team veteran and former Terp Kelli Smith. Edmonds (Emmaus, Pa.) was a full-time starter for the Terps last season, earning first/second team Mid-Atlantic All-Region honors from the National Field Hockey Coaches Association. A defender, she, along with Beach, helped the backfield post nine shutouts while boasting a 1.01 goals against average, the second-best average in the nation. The USFHA Elite Performance Training Centers (EPTC) is one of the pipelines of the U.S. National Team and identifies and trains potential national team athletes through comprehensive training. The regional sites allow for the athletes to train close to home and are coached by some of the top coaches in the country. For more information and tournament schedule, log on to
Network News
Welcome tothefiftheditionof Network News.Please remember that we are always open to Suggestionson how we can improve this communique.
NINDS Dystonia Research Workshop. This workshop in Bethesda took place on June 6-7.Over 80 clinicians, researchers,present and past DMRFgrant recipientsparticipated and discussedthe status of dystoniaresearch and future priorities. A CD of the conference will soon be made availablethrough the DMRF website and a summary paperco-authored by NINDS and the DMRF will also be available.
Brain Bank. Martha Murphy, Brain Bank Liaison, is askingfor your assistance inhelping to promote this important program with your support group members and others.Shewould appreciate it if you could have Brain Tissue Donor brochures available at your support group meetings.The DMRF is happy tomail them to you. Brain research is vitally important for scientists to learn more about this complex disorder, and researchers can learn a lot by studying brain tissue. We not only need the brain tissue of dystonia-affected individuals, butalso need donations from non-affected persons as well, to serve as controls for comparison purposes. DMRF is working in partnership with the NICHD Brain & Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders at the University of Maryland. Marthawould like to clarify a fewcommonlyasked questions: 1) You do not need to live near Maryland to register with that facility, as they work with pathologists throughout the countrytocollect tissue, which is then transported to the University of Maryland. 2)There is no cost involved to the donor or the donor's familyas theBrain Bank absorbs all costs.3)Registering as a brain tissue donor does not affect any funeral or memorial services that may be planned. 4) Having had brain surgery (such as DBS surgery) does not preclude persons from being brain tissue donors. 5)You can donate brain tissue and also donate other organs for transplant as well. 6) The only things that preclude someone from being a donor are if they test positive for HIV or hepatitus. Martha ishappy to speak with anyone who has questions about the brain tissue donation program.Pleasephone her on the special phone line that hasbeen dedicated to the Brain Bankat 619-822-3001. She can also be reached by e-mail at If you wish to contact the Brain Bank directly, please phone1-800-847-1539 or 410-706-1755 or e-mail at
TWISTED. Preparationsfor the national broadcast of TWISTED continue.Premiereshave been scheduled in Chicago on Sunday, September 10,St. Louison Sunday,September 17, and in PhiladelphiaonWednesday,September 20. Othercitiesscheduled forscreenings include Cleveland, Atlanta, Los Angeles,Minneapolis, Seattle, San Franciscoand New York.Copies of the film will be available for purchase through the DMRF around the time of the broadcast. If you are interested in hosting acommunity screeningin your areaplease visit Laurel's website at
Rem Murray. Rem Murray, NHLhockey player with theStanleyCup finalists the EdmontonOilers, has launched the Reaching Your Goals Campaign to raise dystonia awareness. For additional information on Rem and this campaign, please visit the DMRF website at service announcementsfeaturing Rem will begin airing in October.
Dystonia Awareness Week. Thanks to everyonewho participated inDystonia Awareness Week.Please continue sending in photo's and details on your event. Complete coveragewill be in the Fall issue of the DystoniaDialogue.Remember, awareness of dystonia cantake place all year long.
Media Placements. Congratulations to those volunteers who recently secured articlesin their local papers. -Sharon Mazurek of Oxford, MA -Alex Goldman ofNorth Attleboro, MA -Paula Gates ofDanvers,MA -Jan & Len Nachbar and Joanna Manusov of Freehold, NJ -Amy Westall of Melton Mowbray, UK (article appeared in July issue of CosmogirlUK, contact office for copy) -Linda Cannon-Mott ofAlabaster, AL(contact office for copy) -Guido and Rita Battaglini of Maple Shade, NJ (contact office for copy)
Juice Newton. Pop and country music singer Juice Newton is also a generous supporter of numerous charitable causes, the most recent of which is dystonia awareness. Juice is performing a benefit concert on behalf of the DMRF October 5, 2006 in San Diego, California. When Juice learned that her friend and the president of her fan club, Paul Fowler, was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia (SD), she immediately asked how she might help promote awareness of SD and all dystonias. Organized by the Dystonia Support and Advocacy Group of San Diego County, the group has also enlisted the help of area musician Carol Curtis who will be opening for Juice at the benefit. Juice Newton's more recognizable songs include Angel of the Morning and Queen of Hearts. She continues to tour and has sold over 10 million records worldwide. The benefit concert entitled, ⤦An Evening with Juice Newton,? will take place at the Joan B. Kroc Performing Arts Theatre in San Diego. Tickets are available for $20, $30, and $45. Order tickets online at or email Paul Fowler at If you are unable to attend the concert but wish to make a donation toward the event, checks can be made payable to the Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County and mailed to the group⤁sleader, Martha Murphy, at 5134 Leo Street, San Diego, CA 92115-1535. If you have questions about donations, contact Martha at 619-582-1961 or email her at All ticket purchases and donations are tax-deductible.
Peter Cohen. Member of the DMRF Board of Directors and leader of the Junior Advisory Council (JAC), Peter Cohen is available to speak at support group meetings. Peter has spoken at several groups recently and was very well received. He has a remarkable story about his dystonia and successful DBS surgery and is also featured in TWISTED. If you are interested in having Peter speak at your meeting please contact Jennifer at
Headquarters News. The year 2005 Annual Report will be mailed in July and allNetworkleaders will receive a copy. The special 30th Anniversary issue of the Dystonia Dialogue will be out in July and the Summer issue of the Dialogue will be mailed in August.
Of Note...Congratulations to Ray and Laura Cahill of Connecticut on their 50th WeddingAnniversarycelebratedwith their entire clan on a family vacation. Condolences toBev Jones,leader of theNorth Bay CaliforniaSupportgroup,on the passing of her husband Harold, to Rosalie Lewis, VP of Public Policy on the death of her dear father Jack and to Maura Scanlan-Lenz on the death of her mother.Congratulations to the NJ Chapteron the success of the7th annual GolfInvitational on Monday, May 22 at the Greenbrook Country Clubwhich raised over $65,00 for research. The Central Connecticutsupport groupraised $2,500 at thefirst annual Dinner Dance. The NY Chapter raised over $25,000 at the 25th Annual Dinner Cruise. Thanks to Louisville Support Group co-leader Jennifer Hiel for assisting with the Lexington community education meeting on June 24th. Thanks to Ann Lebrun, Ellen Duby, Lauren and Alex Goldman for representing the DMRF at the Center for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) health fair in Boston on June 3rd. The Birmingham, Alabama Support Group under the direction of Ken Williams and Linda Cannon-Mott participated in a health fair at a local shopping mall and madea huge impact, including establishing a relationship with bookstore Books-A-Million which agreed to distribute dystonia bookmarks in stores.Thanks to Robbie Nabors, longtime leader of the Mobile, Alabama Support Group who hosted a summer BBQ fundraiser with her group and raised $1,000 for research. Thanks to advocacy volunteers Todd Spotti, Patricia Price, and Dea Zugby who represented the DMRF at the first of its kind Allergan Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. We were glad to hear from our International friends, Phillippa and Toby Hooper of New Zealand. They have attended our symposia in the past and wanted to sharetheirnew websiteat, KY Support group, led by Jennifer Hiel, Donna Gasaway, and Jan Deibel recently celebrated their one year anniversary with a luncheon. The group is busy preparing for the their first fundraiser, the Freedom Run for a Cure which is a Blackjack Poker Run to be held on September 30th.Have a happy and safe4th of July!!!
The Bethesda Big Train game with the Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts has been postponed because of wet field conditions until Sunday July 16. It will be played at Blair Stadium as the first game of a doubleheader with the starting time to be announced later. The Big Train is to face the Rockville Express on Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. at Knights Field. Adam Redd (Virginia Tech) will pitch for the Big Train.
Friday June 30 v. Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts at 7:30 p.m. Bowie Baysox Night with Louie. Also, we are celebrating Takoma Park-Silver Spring Babe Ruth League Night: A Big Train Tribute to Coach G. Our sponsor is Watkins, Meegan, Drury & Company. Saturday July 1 v. Rockville Express at 7:30 p.m. Leon Day Foundation Tribute to Black Baseball with an exhibit from the Sports Legends Museum. Barry Svrluga and Super Fan Alan Alper will sign copies of National Pastime, a history of the first year of baseball back in Washington. Families of our Big Train players will be in town for the weekend and will be recognized before the game. Our sponsor is Ourisman Ford. Sunday July 2 Doubleheader v. Maryland Redbirds with the first game to start at 5 p.m. Mom Appreciation Night. The first 200 moms will receive a rose courtesy of Bethesda Florist. It will be a Cold Stone Ice Cream Sunday with free ice cream for 25 fans. Our sponsor is the Choice Hotels Foundation.
Tom House, the nation's best pitching coach will be making a return visit
to Povich Field August 8, 9, and 10. Reserve your place now as last year's
clinic was sold out.House has developed a complete package of fitness, nutrition,
mechanics, and mental and emotional conditioning to prepare young athletes
to pitch. A Tom House clinic reinforces within young players the importance
of focus, hard work, and conditioning. Parents are particularly impressed
with Tom's emphasis on avoiding injury to young pitchers.
Games of Sunday June 25-Tuesday June 27 Postponed Results of Saturday June
24 College Park Bombers v. Bethesda Big Train at Povich Field rained out.
Rockville Express defeatedSS-T Thunderbolts 5-0 at Knights Field Maryland
Redbirds defeated Youse's Maryland Orioles 3-0 (7) at Naval Academy Youse's
Maryland Orioles defeated Maryland Redbirds 7-4 (7) at Naval Academy Regular
Season Standings Bethesda Big Train 9-5 .643 -- Rockville Express 8-6 .571
1 SS-T Thunderbolts 7-6 .538 1.5 Youse's Maryland Orioles 7-6 .538 1.5 College
Park Bombers 7-9 .438 3 Maryland Redbirds 4-10 .286 5 The Montgomery Cup
sponsored by The Gazette: Bethesda (4-2),Rockville (2-2),Silver Spring-Takoma
(2-4). Log onto for up-to-date
boxscores and standings. Sign-up for CRSL email alerts:
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE BIG TRAIN For more information, please log
onto or call 301/983-1006. Or email us at
2006 is the second season of the Cal Ripken, Sr. Collegiate Baseball League.
The Maryland-based collegiate wooden bat league is comprised of six teams:
Bethesda Big Train, College Park Maryland Bombers, Maryland Redbirds, Rockville
Express, Silver Spring-Takoma Thunderbolts, and Youse's Maryland Orioles.
The teams play a 40-game regular season that starts on Friday, June 9 with
the Maryland Orioles visiting the Big Train at Shirley Povich Field in Bethesda.
The Cal Ripken, Sr. Collegiate Baseball League has a license agreement with
the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation for the use of the name Cal Ripken, Sr. and
is not affiliated with nor sponsored by the Foundation or Ripken Baseball.
For information, please log onto
Thanks to these organizations for their generous support of Big Train baseball
for the 2006 season: Chevy Chase Bank, Grossberg CPAs, Ledo Pizza, Miller
& Long Co., Ourisman Automotive, and Sandy Spring Builders.
You already know how much fun Big Train baseball is, but soon a lot more people
will know. The July 2006 Washingtonian Magazine that hit newsstands on Friday
lists Big Train Baseball as among metropolitan Washington's "people and places
that make this a great place to live." There we are listed with Five Guys,
Jim Vance, and Gilbert Arenas. And on page 71 in full color there's Nick Cleckler
and the gang with the Lemonade Shaking Guy direct from the cover of the 2006
Big Train Souvenir program.
You have until August 1 to ensure that your family will be forever linked
to Povich Field. We are doing a new brick garden at the entrance to Povich
Field. More than 150 bricks have been sold. If you have already bought a
brick, you will get a confirmation letter in July. If you haven't, go to our
webpage where you will find the form to order your brick. Proceeds will go
to our Kids Deserve Better Fields Fund to help us improve baseball and softball
fields for kids. Honor your parents, your favorite team or coach, your children,
or even yourself! Here's the link to the form:
Baysox Hit Their Way Past Erie in Rain Shortened Game 7-0 The eleventh game
between the Baysox and Erie SeaWolves was under pressure of sever thunderstorms
all evening but the two teams were able to get in 6.1 innings before the game
broke into a 1:08 rain delay. While the game was in progress the Baysox dominated
the SeaWolves pitching to the tune of seven runs. LHP Eric DuBose started
for the Baysox and threw just 80 pitches through six innings. DuBose, who
likes to work fast threw just seven pitches in the 5th frame. Offensively,
the bats were stroking the ball all over the ballpark off SeaWolves starter
Bobby M Jones as the home team put up two in the 2nd, four in the 4th and
another in the bottom of the 5th. Noah Hall started off the 2nd inning with
an infield single to the shortstop, Dustin Yount was able to move Hall to
second on another single and he was immediately followed by an RBI single
to right field off the bat of Pete Shier. Rayner Bautista then grounded out
to third base, allowing Yount to score from third base with the Baysox second
run of the evening. In the SeaWolves half of the 4th, DuBose found himself
with the bases loaded and nobody out. As one of the newest SeaWolves, Adam
Haley, at the plate, the crafty southpaw got Erie's shortstop to ground into
a rare 1-2-3 double play. Following Haley, Kelly Hunt grounded out to end
the visitor's biggest threat of the night. With Bowie up in the 4th Yount
continued to put the ball on the ball, stroking a line drive single into center
field. After Pete Shier singled through the right side, Bautista laid down
a perfect sacrifice bunt to move the runners both into scoring position. Facing
a 2-0 deficit with two runners in scoring position Jones began to lose his
control on the mound, walking Tony Alvarez to load the bases and then Bryan
Bass to force in a third run. With one out Cory Keylor singled in Shier who
was followed to the plate by two more runs. Raúl Chavez, who hit after Keylor,
reached on a fielder's choice - Keylor out at second - that allowed Tony Alvarez
to score, Bass was right on his heels as Erie's second sacker bobbled the
ball in the process of transferring to his throwing hand. Leo Daigle put one
more on the board for the 'Sox in the 5th inning with a solo shot to left
field, his third home run in as many games. With one out in the Baysox 6th,
a rain delay was called by the umpires that lasted 1:08 before being called
official. Despite the poor weather, nearly all of the 6,613 fans in attendance
stuck around to watch the fireworks display during the delay.
Bill, A few weeks ago someone wrote and ask about Jim Robison and Kay Oliphant, remember we talked about them when I was back there. Last I saw Jim was at the 4400 in 1957 he was playing there with some band that I don't remember. Bill I want to send you and your wife some north west cherries but I need an address to send them to don't know if you are still working or not they will be fresh. Let me know where I can send them. There is a short season about 2 to three weeks. Was going to send them last year but you were in Las Vegas. Can you do this tomorrow 7/29 thanks. Slick Slick, I wonder where Dr. Bop is today? Didn⤁t you and I have something to do with hooking him and Kay up? I can⤁t wait to get some of those North West cherries. Bill Bill, Anita Marks is enthusiastic but she sure has a hard time with her sports and I understand she hates hockey and the NHL. What⤁s her background? Baltimore Bob Baltimore Bob, I have no idea what her background is and you are right I heard she doesn⤁t like hockey but who would with the way the Capitals organization has destroyed hockey in the DC area. I bet Marks plays a mean game of shuffleboard and may challenge MacFarlands former shuffleboard captain Ray Huff. Bill, When were you smoking a cigar? Kim Kim, A long time ago. Bill Bill, Hope all is well with you and friends and family up there, looks dreadful on TV.Joann sent me info that Donnie will not be racing here tomorrow, owner of his car is in the hospital andthey could not get the car ready I think. Too bad, know he loves racing in Daytona. My oldest Bob, and grandson Robert, 13, will be at the Pepsi 400 Saturday (hope weather holds up). Have a wonderful Fourth, where will you see the fireworks? I can see them right here on my balcony. Both from the ballpark if the Daytona Cubs are in town, and from the Main Street Pier on the beachside. Tommy Harris is 74 today, my second son Daniel is 43. Love in Him, Dale Dale, I sent Tommy birthday greetings and I hope you and yours have a great 4th of July holiday. Bill Folks, Goodness gracious, looking at the weather in the DC metro area on the weather channel and it looks like DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland (including Ocean City) are threatened by the horrific rains and flooding up there. Bob and Carolyn and your family Sterling, Leesburg, are you all okay? Bill and your family and June in the Annapolis-Severn area, Carolyn in Bethesda, Colonel Chuck, Donald, Barbara, Bobby, Dave and Joann in Maryland, sure hope everyone is high and dry and no damage to your property up there. The documents in the Archives Department were threatened? Give me a break, what kind of time are we living in anyway? What is next I wonder. God bless and keep all of my friends and family and their possessions and property safe. Love, Dale Dale, We had better take heed, soon! Still really wet up here. Bill Hey Bill, Is that the Jim Wexler who was a superstar in basketball and baseball at Western High School and was a favorite of Dallas Shirley⤁s and had neat looking calves, the one that⤁s been appearing in your column? He was neat. Sweet Lorraine Sweet Lorraine, Yes he⤁s the real Jim Wexler! Fine man and yes he does look a little like Bert Randolph Sugar. Bill Bill, Very informative writing piece, thanks for sharing. By the way, you spell my former last name Corcoran, Barbara Balaguer, also. Thanks for acknowledgement too. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. Ruthie Ruthie, Sorry for my misspellings. Keep up the good work leading the ⤦Beautiful Women of Bethesda?. Bill Bill, You still haven⤁t told us the results of your sportscaster poll, whatever happened to Keith Mills? Tammy Turis Tammy, It⤁s coming up soon but right now Tom Davis is off the charts as the worse in the area, the best? It⤁s a close race right now. Keith is writing a column I understand in a free publication called the ⤦Ice Box? or is it the ⤦Press Box? and is playing a straight man on some radio station and I think is doing some work with Channel 11. The ⤦Ice or is it Press Box? is like the old ⤦Shopping News? that was in DC back in the 1940⤁s and 50⤁s and was free also. Bill
Our deepest sympathy goes to Bob Mack and his family on the loss of Bob⤁s wife, Joanne who passed away this week of cancer. Also our deepest sympathy goes to Dana Dembrow on the loss of his wife this week. Susette was a very popular person and has worked as a substitute teacher in recent years. Deepest sympathy goes out to the family of former Annapolis Mayor Al Hopkins who also passed recently. I knew Al for over 40 years and he was a good man. Congratulations to Kyle Stough who was the 72nd annual Frank Emmet championship winning the tournament by 10 strokes. The DeMatha grad will play his college golf at Virginia. The Brooks Robinson 30th annual High School All-Star baseball game at Camden Yards was rained out after two innings with the North leading 3-0.
© 2006